Advanced CSV
A CSV template is defined with a *
file. This properties gives you options to change general
configuration, define format or provide custom validation.
The available options are:
Key | Default | Description |
charsetName | UTF-8 | Option to change the charset name. |
quote | « | The quote character is used when a cell contains special characters, such as the delimiter char, a quote char, or spans multiple lines. |
separator | ; | The delimiter character separates each cell in a row. |
endOfLine | \n | The end of line symbols to use when writing. |
showHeader | true | If true, show the column headers. |
columns | N/A | Mandatory. List of the model fields to render. | | N/A | Header name to write. If the name property is not present the header will be the field name |
xxxx.type | String | Available types are «date», «boolean», «int»,«double», «long», «bigdecimal». |
xxxx.format | N/A | Used to format date, boolean and number (ex: birthdate.format=dd/MM/yyyy ). For the boolean type you can specify how to write true or false values by two comma separated values: married.format=Yes,No . |
xxxx.notNull | false | Is used to define if the field is optional or not. |
xxxx.unique | false | Is used to define the field must be unique. |
# General configuration quote=" separator=; endOfLine=\n charsetName=UTF-8 columns=customerNo, firstName, lastName, birthDate, mailingAddress, married, numberOfKids, favouriteQuote, email, loyaltyPoints # customerNo (must be unique) customerNo.nullable=false customerNo.unique=true # firstName name firstName.nullable=false # lastName name lastName.nullable=false # birthDate date birthDate.nullable=false birthDate.type=date birthDate.format=dd/MM/yyyy # mailingAddress address mailingAddress.nullable=false # married married.nullable=true married.type=boolean married.format=Yes,No # numberOfKids of kids numberOfKids.nullable=true # favouriteQuote quote favouriteQuote.nullable=false # email email.nullable=false # loyaltyPoints points loyaltyPoints.nullable=false