SeedStack LDAP addon enables your application to connect to an LDAP directory to identify, authenticate and authorize users.

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To use the LDAP add-on, its realm must be specified in security configuration:

    realms: LdapRealm

Configuration of the realm itself is done by defining the following properties:

    # The hostname of the LDAP directory server
    host: (String)
    # The port of the LDAP directory server
    port: (int)
    # The number of connections in the pool (defaults to 8)
    connectionNumber: (int)
    # The distinguished name used to make the LDAP requests. If not specified, request will be anonymous
    bindDN: (String)
    # The password used to make the LDAP requests.  
    bindPassword: (String)
    # Configuration for users
      # Base distinguished name where users can be found in the LDAP
      baseDN: (String)
      # Name of the attribute that is used to identify the user (defaults to 'uid') 
      idAttribute: (String)
      # Additional attributes of the user to retrieve
      additionalAttributes: (Set<String>)
      # If present, only consider users having a matching objectclass attribute
      objectClass: (String)
      # Base distinguished name where groups can be found in the LDAP
      baseDN: (String)
      # Name of the attribute that is used to reference membership (defaults to 'member') 
      memberAttribute: (String)
      # If present, only consider groups having a matching objectclass attribute
      objectClass: (String)

To dump the security.ldap configuration options:

mvn -q -Dargs="security.ldap" seedstack:config

Additional group/role and permission mapping is done in security configuration as usual.


Retrieving attributes

From the current user

When authenticating the user, the LDAP Realm also puts in the user principals an entry point to the user LDAP attributes: LdapUserContext. You can then call the LdapService to retrieve attributes.

public class SomeClass {
    private SecuritySupport securitySupport;
    private LdapService ldapService;
    public void someMethod() {
        LdapUserContext userContext = securitySupport
        String cn = ldapService.getAttributeValue(userContext, "cn")

For any user

You can also use the LdapService and LdapUserContext to retrieve user attributes from any user that you know the id

public class SomeClass {
    private LdapService ldapService;
    public void someMethod() {
        LdapUserContext userContext = ldapService.findUser(userId);
        String cn = userContext.getAttributeValue(userContext, "cn");

Retrieve groups of a user

Once you have the user context you can also retrieve the list of the user groups

public class SomeClass {
    private LdapService ldapService;
    public void someMethod() {
        LdapUserContext userContext = ldapService.findUser(userId);
        Set<String> groups  = userContext.retrieveUserGroups(userContext);

Going further

SeedStack uses UnboundID library to connect to the ldap. You can inject its core component into your class to use it. Note that the connections you take from the pool are already configured and ready to be used.

public class SomeClass {
    private LDAPConnectionPool ldapConnectionPool;
    public void someMethod() {
        ldapConnectionPool.search(/* ... */);

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