Web Bridge

The SeedStack Web bridge is an API that enables to quickly integrate your Web frontend to your SeedStack backend.


You can add it with the following dependency:

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dependencies {



Authentication resource

The authentication resource is available at /web-bridge/security/authentication and supports:

  • GET. Checks that a subject is authenticated. If true, returns a 204 (no content). If not, returns a 403 (unauthorized).
  • POST. Checks that a subject is authenticated. If true, returns a 302 (found) with a redirection location to the authorization resource. If not, returns a 403 (unauthorized).
  • DELETE. Logs the subject out.

This resource is meant to be used in conjunction with authentication security filters like authcBasic or authc to trigger user authentication. Learn more about security filters in the web security documentation.

Authorization resource

The authorization resource is available at /web-bridge/security/authorizations and supports:

  • GET. Checks that a subject is authenticated. If true, returns a JSON representation of the subject and its authorizations. If not, returns a 403 (unauthorized).

Example of subject representation:

  "id": "userId",
  "type": "user",
  "principals": {
    "userId": "userId",
    "locale": "fr-FR"
  "roles": [{
    "name": "manager",
    "attributes": {
      "scope": ["FR", "UK"]
    "permissions": [
      ["products", "*"],
      ["categories", "*"]
  }, {
    "name": "admin",
    "attributes": {},
    "permissions": [
      ["users", "*"]
  "permissions": []

A few things to note:

  • All string-based subject principals are provided under the principals section.
  • Roles can have attributes attached to them, which can be used as a way of limiting their scope.
  • Permissions are often given through roles but can also be affected individually to subjects.

Refer to the security documentation to learn more about roles and permissions.

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