Using Development Snapshots

Sometimes there is a need to use a development version of a SeedStack component in your project, for testing purposes. This guide will help you configure Maven to access SeedStack SNAPSHOT dependencies.

SeedStack Java components are available as Maven dependencies at the following locations:

  • Releases are available on Maven central.
  • Development snapshots are available on Sonatype OSSRH. To access these snapshots follow this guide.

Proxy configuration (optional)

In the case where you are behind a corporate proxy, you must configure Maven to go through the proxy. You can do so, by following this documentation.

In your settings.xml file you will end with something like this:


Configuring Maven for SeedStack snapshots

In the project POM

To configure the snapshots repository for your project only, you need to add the following section to your project POM:



Alternatively, you can configure the snapshots repository for all your projects on your computer. To do so, update the global Maven settings.xml file which is located by default under ~/.m2/settings.xml with the following profile:


You can activate the sonatype-snapshots profile on-demand or choose to always enable it by adding the following section to your settings.xml file:


On this page
