We are happy to announce the release of SeedStack 21.7 «Yucca».
New features
YAML/JSON configuration values
SeedStack now supports dynamic parsing of YAML/JSON configuration values. This allows to access valid YAML/JSON values as trees.
Suppose you have a MY_DB_SECRET
environment variables containing JSON:
"dbClusterIdentifier": "...",
"password": "...",
"dbname": "...",
"engine": "...",
"port": 5432,
"host": "...",
"username": "..."
You parse the environment variable JSON in an intermediate tree, and then refer to the individual fields by using config macros to build a JDBC URL (for instance):
dbConfig|json: ${env.MY_DB_SECRET}
url: jdbc:postgresql://${myApp.dbConfig.host}:${myApp.dbConfig.port}/${myApp.dbConfig.dbname}?user=${myApp.dbConfig.username}&password=${myApp.dbConfig.password}¤tSchema=guitars
Config profile environment variable
In addition to the existing seedstack.profiles
system property, you can now activate configuration profiles by setting
environment variable:
export SEEDSTACK_PROFILES=profile1,profile2
java -jar my-app.jar
Configuration profiles profile1
and profile2
will be activated. If you specify both the environment variable and the
system property, the union of all profiles will be activated.
Diagnostic resource
If config option rest.diagnosticResource is set to true, the diagnostic report will be available as a JSON representation
at [restPath]/seedstack/diagnostic
. Default is false. Do not enable permanently in production!
This version also contains fixes in various components, please check individual component change logs for details.
This version also contains changes in various components, please check individual component change logs for details.
Component versions
- seedstack-maven-plugin: 2.8.0
- audit-addon: 3.0.1
- aws-addon: 1.0.0
- cci-addon: 1.1.0
- camel-addon: 1.0.0
- consul-addon: 1.0.0
- crud-addon: 1.0.1
- data-security-addon: 1.0.0
- elasticsearch-addon: 3.1.0
- feign-addon: 1.5.0
- flyway-addon: 2.0.0
- i18n-addon: 4.0.2
- io-addon: 3.0.1
- javamail-addon: 3.0.0
- jcache-addon: 3.0.0
- jcr-addon: 1.0.0
- jdbc-addon: 3.0.3
- jmh-addon: 1.0.2
- jms-addon: 3.1.1
- jpa-addon: 4.2.0
- kafka-addon: 2.0.2
- ldap-addon: 3.0.0
- metrics-addon: 1.1.0
- modelmapper-addon: 1.0.0
- [chg] mongodb-addon: 3.1.3
- monitoring-addon: 3.1.0
- mqtt-addon: 2.0.1
- neo4j-addon: 2.0.0
- netflix-addon: 1.2.2
- oauth-addon: 3.2.0
- redis-addon: 2.1.0
- scheduling-addon: 3.3.1
- shell-addon: 1.0.1
- solr-addon: 2.0.0
- spring-bridge-addon: 3.1.2
- swagger-addon: 2.1.2
- w20-bridge-addon: 3.2.8
- web-bridge-addon: 1.0.4
- web-services-addon: 3.0.4