
SeedStack Swagger add-on exposes a REST resource describing annotated JAX-RS resources in the Swagger format.


To automatically generate and expose a Swagger descriptor for your application, add the following dependency:

Show version
dependencies {


No configuration is needed for basic usage, but the options below can be used to tune the generated Swagger.

  # The title of the published API.
  title: (String)
  # The description of the published API.
  description: (String)
  # The version of the published API.
  version: (String)
  # The URL of the published API terms of service.
  termsOfServiceUrl: (String)
  # The published API contact name.
  contactName: (String)
  # The contact URL of the published API.
  contactUrl: (String)
  # The published API contact email.
  contactEmail: (String)
  # The name of the published API license.
  licenseName: (String)
  # The URL of the published API license.
  licenseUrl: (String)
  # The hostname of the published API.
  host: (String)
  # The list schemes the published API is available on.
  schemes: (List<String>)
  # The base path of the published API.
  basePath: (String)
  # If true, the Swagger output is pretty printed (false by default).
  prettyPrint: (boolean)
  # The class implementing SwaggerSpecFilter that will be used to filter the Swagger output.
  filterClass: (String)

To dump the swagger configuration options:

mvn -q -Dargs="swagger" seedstack:config


By default, JAX-RS resources are not exposed in the Swagger descriptor. You must annotate each resource you want to expose with @Api:

public class SomeResource {
    public String sayHello() {
        return "Hello World!";

The Swagger add-on derives a lot of information from standard JAX-RS annotations but you can specify additional Swagger annotations to alter the resulting descriptor.

The application will serve the Swagger descriptor:

  • In JSON format on swagger.json,
  • In YAML format on yaml.json.

Those two resources are exposed on the application base API path.

Viewing the Swagger on-line

If you want something to display the descriptor in a graphical user-interface, you can use the Swagger demo UI and make it point to the URL of your Swagger descriptor.

The Swagger UI will fetch the descriptor in your browser with JavaScript, meaning that you must enable CORS to make it work with the following configuration:

    cors: true

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