We are happy to announce the release of SeedStack 18.4 «Orchid».

New features

Better samples

We have consolidated all samples in a single project for simplicity. Some new samples have been added too. Check it out on the samples page.

Java 9 compatibility

SeedStack only requires Java 8 to work but is now compatible with Java 9. Applications should require no workaround to run on Java 9.

Servlet 4.0

Web applications built on SeedStack can take advantage of Servlet 4.0 features, provided that the server supports it, like the provided embedded server, Undertow.

Integration testing

Integration testing has been improved.

It now uses the same launcher for testing than for normal running, making it more representative. It also gained easy-to-use testing features, like the ability to alter application configuration, arguments, system properties and kernel parameters for a test class, a specific test or both. Although it only supports JUnit 4 for now, support for other testing frameworks is now possible.

More information on integration testing here

Arquillian support is still present in the seed-testing-arquillian module, but Web integration testing can now be done as a normal test with the launcher swapped for a Web based launched.

More information on Web integration testing here

OAuth add-on

A new OAuth add-on provides support for the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols. This enables applications to authenticate and authorize users using any compliant provider. Authorization-only (without authentication) is possible if your provider doesn’t support OpenID Connect.

CRUD add-on

A new CRUD add-on (documentation not available yet) can automatically provide a full CRUD REST API for any DTO, provided that you used the business framework to write it. You can choose between:

  • Applying a single annotation on the DTO and let the add-on provide the full API.
  • Write your own REST resource class that reuse add-on functionality and enrich it.

See some examples here.

The dependency for CRUD add-on is:

Show version
dependencies {

W20-bridge variables

You can now specify W20 configuration variables (available in the W20 configuration and in the fragment manifests) directly from SeedStack configuration using the w20.variables configuration:

    # The following variables will be available in all fragments 
      var1: value1
    # The following variables will be only available in 'some-fragment' fragment 
      var2: value2


This version contains minor fixes in various components, please check individual component change logs for details.


Integration testing

The improvements in integration testing (see above) have lead to some breaking changes in naming or the way to use some annotations. In most cases you won’t need to modify test implementations. See the testing documentation for more details.

W20 bridge

The W20-bridge add-on is now based on the most recent version of the W20 framework which has switched from Bower to NPM for package management.

As a result, Web packages are now located under a node_modules location instead of a bower_components one. Some packages also have a slightly updated name (when the NPM package had a different name from the Bower one).

All W20 components take this location change into account but you will also have to update your W20 frontend explicit dependencies.

Component versions


  • seedstack-maven-plugin: 2.7.0



On this page
