Integration Testing

SeedStack provides several features and tools to do integration testing in your application.

The purpose of integration tests is to test the interaction of multiple components together. They are different from unit tests which test only a component (a class) at a time.

JUnit 4

To run an integration test with JUnit 4, you need to add the following dependency in your application:

Show version
dependencies {

Then you need to specify that your test class will run using the SeedITRunner JUnit runner:

public class SomeIT {
    private Application application;

    public void myTestIsInjected() {

Test class instances will be injected and can be intercepted (for instance for transaction testing).

Other testing frameworks

SeedStack can support multiple testing frameworks but ships only with JUnit 4 support for now.

Testing features

Regardless of the testing framework, SeedStack provides several features to help altering the application environment during testing.

Altering launch

By default, SeedStack starts the tested application using a built-in launcher that simulates a command-line environment. This can be changed by applying the @LaunchWith annotation on the test class:

public class SomeIT {
    public void testSomething() {
        // ...

With this annotation, you can specify:

  • The implementation of SeedLauncher to use to run the tested application.
  • The LaunchMode of the tested application: once per test class, once per test or never (in which case it should be started by other means).

Altering configuration

You can alter the configuration of the tested application by using the @ConfigurationProperty annotation, on the test class, on a particular test method or both:

@ConfigurationProperty(name = "someTestKey", value = "testValue")
public class SomeIT {
    public void testSomething() {
        // ...

You can also activate a configuration profile on the tested application by using the @ConfigurationProfiles annotation, on the test class, on a particular test method or both:

@ConfigurationProfiles({"dev", "debug"})
public class SomeIT {
    public void testSomething() {
        // ...

Altering system properties

You can alter the system properties of the tested application by using the @SystemProperty annotation, on the test class, on a particular test method or both:

@SystemProperty(name = "someTestProperty", value = "testValue")
public class SomeIT {
    public void testSomething() {
        // ...

Altering arguments

You can specify the arguments passed to the launcher by using the @Arguments annotation, on the test class, on a particular test method or both:

@Arguments({"-o", "someValue"})
public class SomeIT {
    public void testSomething() {
        // ...

When the @Arguments annotation is used on a test method, the launch mode must be set to PER_TEST, otherwise it is ignored.

Altering kernel parameters

You can alter the SeedStack kernel parameters by using the @KernelParameter annotation, on the test class, on a particular test method or both:

@KernelParameter(name = "seedstack.autodetectModules", value = "false")
public class SomeIT {
    public void testSomething() {
        // ...

When the @KernelParameter annotation is used on a test method, the launch mode must be set to PER_TEST, otherwise it is ignored.

Expecting a launch exception

You can test for a particular exception to occur during the launch of the tested application by using the @Expected annotation on the test class, on a particular test method or both:

public class SomeIT {
    public void testSomething() {
        // ...

When the @Expected annotation is used on a test method, the launch mode must be set to PER_TEST, otherwise it is ignored.


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