Logging is a necessity in almost any application. SeedStack standardize logging through the popular SLF4J logging facade but the actual implementation is chosen at the project level.
Recommended implementation #
SeedStack is compatible with any SLF4J implementation but we recommend Logback as an efficient, natural fit for SLF4J. To add Logback to your project, use the following dependency snippet:
dependencies {
Usage #
You can inject a logger in any class by annotating an SLF4J logger field with @Logging
public class SomeClass { @Logging private Logger logger; }
This will automatically inject a logger for the enclosing class. This also works on static fields but if you want your logger fields to be final, you must use the traditional SLF4J syntax instead:
public class SomeClass { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SomeClass.class); }
Configuration #
SeedStack supports any SLF4J implementation but can automatically configure Logback. If you want to use another implementation you have to use its native configuration mechanism.
Automatic configuration #
A default configuration mechanism is provided. If you don’t specify any configuration, it will be auto-configured to the following settings:
- A root logger level set to INFO,
- A console appender outputting to
(standard output), - A color output (only if supported by the environment),
- The following pattern for the console appender:
%highlight(%-5level) [%d{ISO8601}] %magenta(%-8thread) %cyan(%-30logger{30}) %msg%n%red(%throwable)
For supported SLF4J implementations (currently only Logback), you can easily change the logging system configuration with the following options:
logging: # Logging level of the root logger level: (ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE) # The pattern for the default console appender pattern: (String) # Configured loggers with the name of logger as key loggers: org.seedstack.samples.logging.SampleLogger: # Logging level for this specific logger level: (ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE) # Additivity for this specific logger additive: (boolean)
To dump the logging
configuration options:
mvn -q -Dargs="logging" seedstack:config
This automatic configuration is enough for most development needs. It may also be adequate for running in cloud environments where the standard output is typically redirected to a log collector. If you need more control, check out the native configuration of you implementation below.
Native configuration #
For advanced needs, you can still use the native configuration mechanism of the chosen SLF4J implementation. In this case, it will completely override any automatic configuration.