
Logging is a necessity in almost any application. SeedStack standardize logging through the popular SLF4J logging facade but the actual implementation is chosen at the project level.

SeedStack is compatible with any SLF4J implementation but we recommend Logback as an efficient, natural fit for SLF4J. To add Logback to your project, use the following dependency snippet:

dependencies {

Usage #

You can inject a logger in any class by annotating an SLF4J logger field with @Logging:

public class SomeClass {
private Logger logger;

This will automatically inject a logger for the enclosing class. This also works on static fields but if you want your logger fields to be final, you must use the traditional SLF4J syntax instead:

public class SomeClass {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SomeClass.class);

Configuration #

SeedStack supports any SLF4J implementation but can automatically configure Logback. If you want to use another implementation you have to use its native configuration mechanism.

Automatic configuration #

A default configuration mechanism is provided. If you don’t specify any configuration, it will be auto-configured to the following settings:

  • A root logger level set to INFO,
  • A console appender outputting to System.out (standard output),
  • A color output (only if supported by the environment),
  • The following pattern for the console appender:
%highlight(%-5level) [%d{ISO8601}] %magenta(%-8thread) %cyan(%-30logger{30}) %msg%n%red(%throwable)

For supported SLF4J implementations (currently only Logback), you can easily change the logging system configuration with the following options:

# Logging level of the root logger
# The pattern for the default console appender
pattern: (String)
# Configured loggers with the name of logger as key
# Logging level for this specific logger
# Additivity for this specific logger
additive: (boolean)

To dump the logging configuration options:

mvn -q -Dargs="logging" seedstack:config

This automatic configuration is enough for most development needs. It may also be adequate for running in cloud environments where the standard output is typically redirected to a log collector. If you need more control, check out the native configuration of you implementation below.

Native configuration #

For advanced needs, you can still use the native configuration mechanism of the chosen SLF4J implementation. In this case, it will completely override any automatic configuration.


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