Project Generation

To create a SeedStack project from scratch you can use generate goal from the SeedStack Maven Plugin. This goal is invoked from the command line.


Parameters should be given as system properties (-DparameterName=parameterValue):

Name Type Mandatory Description
groupId String Yes The group identifier of your generated project. Required.
artifactId String Yes The artifact identifier of your generated project. Required.
version String No The version of your generated project. Defaults to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
type String No Specifies the archetype type to use for project generation. Needed if archetypeArtifactId is not specified explicitly. No default value. Available types are: web, rest, domain and batch.
allowSnapshots Boolean No Allow to use archetype snapshots. Defaults to false.
archetypeGroupId String No Allow to explicitly specify the archetype group identifier. Defaults to
archetypeArtifactId String No Allow to explicitly specify the archetype artifact identifier. Needed if type is not specified. Defaults to seed-{type}-archetype.
archetypeVersion String No Allow to explicitly specify the archetype version. Defaults to latest release version available or to the latest snapshot available if allowSnapshots is also specified.


To generate a project, run the following command:

mvn -U org.seedstack:seedstack-maven-plugin:generate

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