Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is supported through a Java filter and can be enabled in any SeedStack application.

Seed integrates the CORS filter from dzhuvinov software. There is no need to install and configure the filter manually, it is automatically registered by Seed. All filter options can be specified through configuration properties.


CORS can be enabled and configuration as below:

      # The servlet path mapping on which CORS will be active
      path: (String)
      # If true, Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing (CORS) will be enabled
      enabled: (boolean)
      # Allows to specify custom properties to the CORS filter (see below)
        key: (String)

To dump the web.cors configuration options:

mvn -q -Dargs="web.cors" seedstack:config


This is a description of the CORS Filter configuration properties.

  • allowGenericHttpRequests {true|false} defaults to true.
    If true generic HTTP requests will be allowed to pass through the filter, else only valid and accepted CORS requests will be allowed (strict CORS filtering).

  • allowOrigin {"*"|origin-list} defaults to *.
    Whitespace-separated list of origins that the CORS filter must allow. Requests from origins not included here will be refused with an HTTP 403 »Forbidden» response. If set to * (asterisk) any origin will be allowed.

Example: Allow any origin:


Example: Allow cross-domain requests from following three origins only:
  • allowSubdomains {true|false} defaults to false.
    If true the CORS filter will allow requests from any origin which is a subdomain origin of the allowed origins. A subdomain is matched by comparing its scheme and suffix (host name / IP address and optional port number).

Example: If the explicitly allowed origin is and subdomains are allowed, all of the following origins will be allowed too:

These non-matching origins, however, will be denied:
  • supportedMethods {method-list} defaults to "GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS".
    List of the supported HTTP methods. These are advertised through the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header and must also be implemented by the actual CORS web service. Requests for methods not included here will be refused by the CORS filter with an HTTP 405 »Method not allowed» response.

Example: Allow only GET cross-origin requests:


Example: Allow the methods for a typical RESTful web service:

  • supportedHeaders {"*"|header-list} defaults to *.
    The names of the supported author request headers. These are advertised through the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.

    If the configuration property value is set to * (asterisk) any author request header will be allowed. The CORS Filter implements this by simply echoing the requested value back to the browser.

    What is an author request header? This any custom header set by the browser JavaScript application through the XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader() method.

Example: Inform the browser that the following author request headers are supported:

Content-Type, X-Requested-With

Example: Inform the browser that the following custom headers are safe to be exposed to the script that initiated the cross-domain request:

X-Custom-1, X-Custom-2
  • supportsCredentials {true|false} defaults to true.
    Indicates whether user credentials, such as cookies, HTTP authentication or client-side certificates, are supported. The CORS filter uses this value in constructing the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.

  • maxAge {int} defaults to -1 (unspecified).
    Indicates how long the results of a preflight request can be cached by the web browser, in seconds. If -1 unspecified. This information is passed to the browser via the Access-Control-Max-Age header.

Example: Suggest the browser should cache preflight requests for 1 hour:

  • tagRequests {true|false} defaults to false (no tagging).
    Enables HTTP servlet request tagging to provide CORS information to downstream handlers (filters and/or servlets).

Example: Enable request tagging:


The full documentation of CORS properties can be found here. The cors. prefix must be ignored in the SeedStack configuration (e.g. cors.tagRequests becomes tagRequests).


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