Web Security

In a Web application, security can be enforced at the HTTP-level by a servlet filter using URL filtering patterns. This feature requires the following dependency in your project:

Show version
dependencies {

The security servlet filter is automatically added on /* and has the ability to intercept all application URLs.

URL patterns

You can configure URL patterns to intercept in configuration:

      # List of secured URL patterns
          pattern: /some/path/specific
          filters: [ filter1, filter2 ]
          pattern: /some/path/**
          filters: [ filter3, filter4, filter5 ]
          pattern: /other/path/*
          filters: [ filter6 ]
          pattern: /**
          filters: fallbackFilter

To dump the security.web.urls configuration options:

mvn -q -Dargs="security.web.urls" seedstack:config

The URL patterns are Ant-style path expressions relative to your Web application’s context root.

Order is important as the first pattern to match the incoming request is applied and subsequent patterns are ignored. This behavior allows to define a catch-all default pattern at the end that will apply if no above filters matched.


When a pattern is matched, the filters relative to this pattern are applied in sequence.

Built-in filters

Various built-in filters are directly available by specifying their names (and eventual parameters) in the filter chain:

  • anon: immediately allows access to the path without performing security checks of any kind (unless you add other filters after it in the chain).
  • authc: authenticates the subject using the request params (username and password). This can be used for form authentication.
  • authcBasic: triggers and checks a basic authentication.
  • cert: extracts the certificates found by the JEE server and provides them to a X509CertificateRealm. You can specify the optional parameter to allow the request even if certificate authentication fails: cert[optional].
  • logout: logs out the current subject. Note that it will clear the subject session and will invalidate the corresponding security caches. Note that basic authentication credentials are kept by user-agents (like browsers), meaning that authentication will automatically happen again during the next request.
  • noSessionCreation: will prevent the creation of a security session.
  • perms: checks for the permission specified as a parameter. Only allows access if the current subject has the specified permission. Multiple permissions can be specified with commas: perms[users:delete, cache:invalidate] for instance.
  • port: requires the request to be on the specified port: port[8080] for instance.
  • rest: similar to the perms filter but appends a CRUD verb derived from the HTTP method to the specified permission(s). For instance, rest[users] will check the following permissions depending on the HTTP verb:
    • DELETE checks for the users:delete permission,
    • GET checks for the users:read permission,
    • HEAD checks for the users:read permission,
    • OPTIONS checks for the users:read permission,
    • POST checks for the users:create permission,
    • PUT checks for the users:update permission,
    • TRACE checks for the users:read permission.
  • roles: checks that the subject has the specified role(s). Only allows access if current subject has all the specified roles. Multiple roles can be specified with commas: roles[manager, admin] for instance.
  • ssl: Only allows access if the request is on port 443 and ServletRequest.isSecure() returns true.
  • user: Only allows access if the user is identified.

Custom filters

You can define you own custom security filters by

  1. Creating a class implementing Filter
  2. Annotating it with @SecurityFilter. The annotation value will define the name of the filter that can be used in filter chains.

Consider a filter that always returns HTTP response code 418:

public class TeapotFilter implements Filter {
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        // nothing to do

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, 
                         ServletResponse response, 
                         FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

    public void destroy() {
        // nothing to do

You can use this filter like this:

          pattern: /teapot
          filters: teapot

When a subject access the /teapot URL, an HTTP response code 418 will be returned. To create advanced security filters, you can extend existing Shiro security filters, or use them as models.


Consider the following configuration:

          pattern: /static/**
          filters: anon
          pattern: /api/users
          filters: [ ssl, authcBasic, 'rest[users]' ]
          pattern: /api/**
          filters: [ authcBasic, 'roles[normal]' ]
          pattern: /**
          filters: authcBasic

This gives the following HTTP security policy:

  • Anything served under /static can be accessed anonymously.
  • The /api/users resource can only be accessed by authenticated subjects in HTTPS with the users:<action> permission, where <action> is dependent upon the HTTP method used (see the rest filter above for details).
  • Anything else served under /api can only be accessed by authenticated subjects with the basic application-role.
  • All others URLs can only be accessed by authenticated subjects.
  • In this example, authentication is handled with the Basic Authentication scheme.

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