Generating a SeedStack project

Starting a project from scratch with Maven is not difficult but SeedStack makes it simpler with its generator. This guide goes through the generation process, step-by-step.

Add-on samples

Web-Services add-on This sample demonstrates JAX-WS integration: Basic Web-Service, Username token secured Web-Service, Certificate secured Web-Service, Client usage of those Web-Services. GitHub: Relevant docs: Web-Services add-on. W20 bridge add-on This sample demonstrates integration of the W20 framework: Usage of W20 JAR packaging, Custom W20 configuration handler, Basic W20 UI. GitHub: Relevant docs: W20 bridge add-on. Spring bridge This sample demonstrates the integration of Spring framework with SeedStack:

Basic samples

A lot of small samples, demonstrating basic SeedStack features: Business code, Command-line, Configuration, Logging, Security, Diagnostic, Custom Guice module, Custom plugin, Command-line, JAX-RS resources, Web servlets, filters and listeners, WebSocket, Integration testing. GitHub:

Business code

Now it is time to spice up our «Hello World» application with some business code. With SeedStack business framework, it is easy to write clean and maintainable business code. Domain-Driven Design Domain-Driven Design is a software approach built on the idea of solving business problems through code. This is done by focusing on the heart of the business logic, to distill a design that can solve business problems. The business framework helps with the implementation of that domain model.

Full applications

Classic Web application This sample demonstrates a full end-to-end Web application: Simple domain code, JPA persistence, REST resources, Assemblers, Pagination, Static resources serving, W20 UI. GitHub: Relevant docs: Business framework, JPA add-on, JDBC add-on, REST support, Web support, W20 UI framework. REST micro-service This sample demonstrates an hypermedia-capable REST micro-service: Business code JAX-RS resources, SeedStack hypermedia features: HAL and JSON-HOME. Integration testing.

Learn the basics

SeedStack is an opinionated, simple Java development stack. It is a general purpose development solution but does REST micro-services particularly well.


Now that we have a domain model, we would like to use some persistence with it. In Domain-Driven Design, persistence is done with Repositories which work on whole aggregates. We need some data first! To be able to test this, we need some sample data. A class implementing LifecycleListener will provide the opportunity to insert data at application startup. In the package infrastructure, create a SampleDataGenerator class: package org.generated.project.infrastructure; import javax.